Ornithological Science

Editorial Policy: Ornithological Science publishes reviews, original articles, short communications and comments covering all aspects of ornithology. Manuscripts are judged on the basis of their contribution of original data and ideas or interpretation. All articles are peer-reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper. Manuscript are edited where necessary for clarify and economy.
Ornithological Science aims to publish as rapidly as is consistent with the requirements of peer-review and normal publishing constraints.
Instructions for Authors (PDF)
Editor-in-Chief: Yusuke UENO (Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences, Ishikawa Prefectural University)
Associate Editors: Daisuke OCHI (Fisheries Resources Institute)
Masayuki SENZAKI (Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University)
Haruko ANDO (Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institite for Environmental Studies)
Japanese Journal of Ornithology

"Japanese Journal of Ornithology" is a Japanese-language journal published by the Ornithological Society of Japan. It was founded in 1915 as "Tori" and was renamed to its current title in 1986. The journal serves as a scholarly publication for papers widely related to ornithology.
The Journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles, reviews, short communications, technical reports, observational records, and opinions related to ornithology. Additionally, commentary as well as reports from participants in domestic and international conferences, are published in the form of forums without peer review.
Check-List of Japanese Birds, 8th Revised Edition
"Check-List of Japanese Birds (8th Ed.)" has been published on 13th September, 2024. It is written in both English and Japanese, with 539 pages in A5 format.
As with the 7th edition, this is the first revision in 12 years. As in the 5th to 7th editions, the 8th edition covers all areas of Japan, including islands, but newly includes oceanic areas to describe the marine distributions of seabirds. Several points regarding this revision warrant special mention. First, two rounds of public comments were held as a new attempt to collect a wider scope of information, and to obtain help from regional collaborators, as in the past. Second, for convenience, the taxonomy followed the world standard classification, and the taxa for which Japan should be responsible were retained in accordance with the current status of research (in particular, species boundaries were greatly revised, and the Green Pheasant was elevated to species rank). Records for Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu are presented by prefecture when necessary, while Hokkaido is divided into four regions. Finally, the marine distributions of seabirds are presented by dividing the surrounding seas into 10 oceanic regions.
The main text of this Check-list consists of two parts: “Part A. Check-list of Japanese Birds,” which lists the species and subspecies recorded to have occurred naturally inside Japan; and “Part B. Introduced Species and Subspecies,” which contains introduced species and subspecies with breeding records inside Japan. Part A contains 644 species in 24 orders, 83 families, and 280 genera, while Part B contains 46 species in 8 orders, 17 families, and 31 genera.
The content of this revision has changed significantly from that of the 7th edition. Incorporating the latest taxonomic research results and including many new species and subspecies, this Check-list will strongly influence not only the world of ornithology but also society in general, by helping to inform other publications such as reference books and administrative documents. I hope that the publication of the 8th Revised Edition of the Check-list of Japanese Birds will provide an opportunity to deepen contributions to Japanese society through academic developments in ornithology.
[Excerpt from the preface]
Sample pages.
MS Excel file of the Japanese Bird List published in the 8th Ed.
Price (tax included)
Members: 4,000 JPY, Non-members: 5,500 JPY
Shipping fee: 1 to 2 books: 430 JPY, 3 or more books: Varies depending on the number of books. We will inform you individually after you place your order.
Domestic Order:
This Check-List can be obtained from inside Japan through OSJ Office. Orders should be made by E-mail (E-mail: osj "at" shunkosha.com) or a web application form. OSJ members inside Japan can obtain it with a special discount price of 4,000 JPY plus shipping cost.
Foreign Order:
This Check-List can be obtained from outside of Japan through OSJ Office (Email: osj "at" shunkosha.com). For order information, please contact with the Office. OSJ members outside Japan can obtain it with a special discount price.
Check-List of Japanese Birds, 7th Revised Edition
"Check-List of Japanese Birds (7th Ed.)" has been published on 15th September, 2012. It is written in both English and Japanese, with 438 pages in A5 format.
Points worthy of special mention in this revision are the drastic change of taxonomy reflecting the latest developments of molecular phylogeny, and the addition of an abundance of newly recorded species and subspecies. This Check-List consists of two parts: Lists of birds occurred naturally inside Japan (633 sp.) and birds introduced and breeding in Japan (43 sp.). The sixth edition made only minimal changes from the traditional taxonomy of the fifth edition, judging that research of taxonomic systems had been in a transition period. During 12 years after the publication of the sixth edition, as even more refined molecular technique has further accumulated achievements and there has been a fair amount of consensus among results from research with different techniques and independent characters. Accordingly, the 7th edition has completely changed the arrangement of orders, and the families that constitute these orders, in comparison with previous editions.
Sample pages.
MS Excel file of the Japanese Bird List published in the 8th Ed.